A range of our key policies are available to view or download below.


AI Guidance

AI use refers to using AI tools to obtain information and content that might be used in work produced for assessments, which leads to approved recognition of competence and qualification /apprenticeship standards certification. While the range of AI tools and their capabilities is likely to expand significantly in the near future, misuse of AI tools concerning any end-point assessments at any time constitutes malpractice.

This guidance should be read in conjunction with Professional Assessment Ltd’s (PAL’s) plagiarism and cheating policy and Maladministration and Malpractice Policy.


Appropriate Policy for Processing Special Category Data

All of our stakeholders should feel confident in PAL’s handling of their personal data and how we use such data and be assured that we will only request and process essential data and that we strive to ensure data and information is collected, recorded, and compiled accurately and only used for stated purposes.

This policy provides information about the legal basis and safeguards that PAL has put in place for sensitive processing, the processing of special categories of personal data and criminal convictions data.


Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of this policy is to protect our integrity as a business and the integrity of our qualifications (standards) and assessments by ensuring that conflict of interest procedures and processes addresses conflicts of interest that can lead to an adverse effect.


Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The company holds and processes information about company employees, associates, apprentices, and other data subjects for academic, administrative and commercial purposes. This policy should be read in conjunction with the GDPR policy.


End-point Assessment Manual

This document is for any Customer with Apprentices enrolled on an Apprenticeship wishing to use (PAL), end-point assessment service. The manual provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of those parties, specifically focussed on end-point assessment.


EPA Information Requirements Statement

This statement aims to outline the information PAL requires from our clients to deliver an effective and timely EPA service. For PAL to accurately allocate assessors, we need accurate and up-to-date information regarding the apprentice’s status, location and apprenticeship standard they are working on.


Fair Access Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles which ensure apprentices undertaking end-point assessment (EPA) with PAL can do so fairly and without barriers or restriction, regardless of any protected characteristic they may have.


Invoicing Policy

This policy sets out our approach to invoicing and associated matters for all PAL clients/purchasers. If you have any queries about the contents of the policy, or wish to give feedback, you can use our Freephone number 0800 160 1899, or email us via invoices@professionalassessment.co.uk.


Quality Assurance Manual for Providers and Employers

The Quality Assurance Manual for Providers and Employers outlines PAL’s expectations of third parties and (centres, where applicable). PAL does not make any recommendations regarding on-programme delivery, but as part of our Ofqual recognition, we must ensure that all of our stakeholders are aware of the General Conditions of Recognition and the regulatory requirements.


Plagiarism and Cheating Policy

This PAL policy aims to ensure all parties involved in the delivery of apprenticeship programmes and end-point assessments know what constitutes plagiarism and cheating and the penalties and sanctions for cheating or passing off someone else’s work as their own. Plagiarism and cheating are forms of malpractice. The policy includes how the use of AI should be identified, how to use AI safely and effectively, and how to comply with this policy.


Prevent Policy and Implementation Plan

Prevent aims to safeguard at-risk and susceptible individuals (both adults and children) who may be in danger of becoming involved in terrorist activities; being radicalised or getting involved in some form of extremism activity. All PAL personnel, which includes associates, consultants, technical advisors, and the advisory group members have a responsibility to report any concerns about an individual, as outlined in this policy.


Reasonable Adjustments Guidance

This guide provides additional information regarding applying fair and equitable reasonable adjustments across PAL’s EPA and Qualifications Offer.

The guide should be read with the relevant Special Considerations and Reasonable Adjustments Policy.

If you require further guidance please contact PAL directly


Resit and Retake Policy

This policy outlines the provisions made for apprentices who fail one element or more of their independent end-point assessment. PAL works in accordance with the direction given via the apprenticeship assessment plans and the pertinent regulatory authorities in applying the resit and retake approaches.


Results and Awards Policy

The final stage of end-point assessment involves finalising and awarding results, notifying the DfE of apprentices’ results, and requesting an apprenticeship certificate for apprentices who are successful. The apprenticeship certificate provides apprentices with proof of achievement. The Results and Awards policy outlines PAL’s approach and procedures for results notification.


Safeguarding Policy

The aim of the Company’s (Professional Assessment Limited) safeguarding policy is to advocate and provide an environment where all can work safely. The Company will take every reasonable precaution and due care to ensure the well-being of all of our stakeholders when delivering our EPA and audit and compliance services


Sanctions Policy

Professional Assessment Ltd (PAL) needs to ensure that the centres, apprentices, and third parties we work with take all reasonable steps to ensure the integrity of assessment and qualifications and guarantee that we can comply with the associated regulatory requirements.