ST0327 v1.2
Maximum Funding
14 months
EPA Price*
EQA Provider
End-Point Assessment Requirements*
*Please note, this is the latest version of the assessment plan. If your apprentice embarked on the programme prior to 28/05/2023, they may have been working towards the previous version of the assessment plan. Please contact us if you need further information.
English and maths
Before an apprentice can progress to End-Point Assessment, they must have achieved the relevant level of English and maths, as per the requirements of the apprenticeship standard.
Observation with Questions
- 2.5 hour observation of the apprentice in their workplace.
- The apprentice should be observed carrying out Customer Support, Stock Control and Communication knowledge, skills and behaviours mapped to this assessment method.
- The independent assessor must ask at least 5 questions to assess underpinning knowledge, skills and behaviours. Questioning can occur both during and after the observation, and is included in the total assessment time.
- The independent assessor must ask questions about knowledge, skills and behaviours that were not observed to gather assessment evidence. These questions are in addition to the above set number of questions for the observation with questions and should be kept to a minimum.
- This method of assessment has fail, pass and distinction grades.
Interview underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence
- The portfolio of evidence is completed during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship and must be submitted to PAL at Gateway.
- The portfolio will typically contain 14 pieces of ‘real’ work-related evidence in total, and be mapped to the knowledge skills and behaviours that will be assessed by the interview. The portfolio is not directly assessed.
- A structured, 60 minute interview between the apprentice and their independent assessor. The apprentice will be asked at least 6 questions
- The interview will assess knowledge, skills and behaviours mapped to this method of assessment. The themes are Legislation, regulations and organisational policies/procedures, Customer profiles, business objectives and reputation, and Self and team development.
- Webinar or video conferencing software can be used for the assessment.
- This method of assessment has fail, pass and distinction grades.
Available Resources
- Training provider resource library
- EPA Specification (click here to view)
- PAL Guide – Making the Apprenticeship Journey Successful (click to view)
Previous Assessment Plan Version(s)
Available for apprentices enrolled on or before 28/05/2023
How to engage with PAL.
Engaging with PAL couldn’t be easier. Simply contact us at or on 0800 1601899. Our senior team will contact you to find out about your requirements in more detail and discuss how we might need to adapt our approach to meet your needs. Once you are happy that PAL is the right fit for your programme, we set up your account, share our library of resources and support you to register your apprentices. You can then rest assured that you have a dedicated team on hand to guide you through your EPA journey and provide a responsive service when your apprentices are ready to be assessed.