

Maximum Funding



30 months (not including EPA period)



EPA Price*


EQA Provider


*   This price represents our maximum charge for the standard EPA (excluding reassessment). Please get in touch to discuss potential discounts and added value.

End-Point Assessment Requirements

English and maths

Before an apprentice can progress to End-point Assessment, they must have achieved the relevant level of English and maths, as per the requirements of the apprenticeship standard.

Level 3 (or Higher) apprentices are required to achieve Level 2 English and maths.

Professional Discussion Underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence

The portfolio of evidence will be produced by the apprentice over the course of the programme and submitted to the end-point assessment organisation at the gateway review. The portfolio will showcase the best pieces of work, enabling them to demonstrate how they have applied their knowledge and understanding in a real work environment to achieve real work objectives.

  • The portfolio of evidence will typically contain 20 discrete pieces of evidence
  • Evidence must be clearly mapped against the KSBs allocated to this assessment method
  • Evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one KSB
  • Evidence sources may include workplace documentation/records, witness statements (of direct observation), annotated photographs, video clips (maximum total duration 20 minutes)
  • The portfolio should not include reflective accounts or any methods of self-assessment

The professional is based on the portfolio and must last 60 minutes (+10% at the discretion of the assessor).

  • A combination of Questions from the EPAO’s question bank and bespoke questions will be asked
  • The discussion must be a two-way conversation between the apprentice and the assessor
  • Assessors will ask a minimum of 6 questions and may ask follow-up questions for clarification purposes.

Project Proposal, Presentation and Questioning

The project proposal’s subject, title and scope will be agreed between the employer and the EPAO at the gateway. A brief summary of what the project will cover should be submitted to the EPAO at the gateway. This should demonstrate that the project will provide sufficient opportunity for the apprentice to cover the KSBs mapped to this method. The brief summary is not assessed and should be no more than 500 words.

  • The project proposal is carried out after the apprentice has gone through the gateway
  • The proposal will be a detailed project implementation proposal that will enable the project to be fully implemented
  • The project does not need to be fully implemented during the EPA period. The implementation of the project proposal must begin
    during the EPA period and ensure that S1.2, S2.1, S2.2 and S3.1 can be assessed and progress against these skills must be discussed during the presentation.
  • Apprentices must include evidence of leadership support of the project proposal detailing what has been implemented to date, which must be included as an appendix so that this can be discussed during the presentation
  • Apprentices will prepare and deliver a presentation that, along with the proposal, appropriately covers the KSBs assigned to this method of assessment.
  • The presentation will be followed by questions from the independent assessor
  • The presentation and questioning will take 60 minutes – 20 minutes for the presentation and 40 minutes for questioning.

Available Resources

How to engage with PAL.

Engaging with PAL couldn’t be easier. Simply contact us at or on 0800 1601899. Our senior team will contact you to find out about your requirements in more detail and discuss how we might need to adapt our approach to meet your needs. Once you are happy that PAL is the right fit for your programme, we set up your account, share our library of resources and support you to register your apprentices. You can then rest assured that you have a dedicated team on hand to guide you through your EPA journey and provide a responsive service when your apprentices are ready to be assessed.

View the EPA Process Here:

EPA Process