Maximum Funding
18 months (this does not include EPA period)
EPA Price*
EQA Provider
End-Point Assessment Requirements
English and maths
Before an apprentice can progress to End-point Assessment, they must have achieved the relevant level of English and maths, as per the requirements of the apprenticeship standard.
Level 3 (or Higher) apprentices are required to achieve Level 2 English and maths.
Observation of Practice
The apprentice will demonstrate their skills, behaviours and leadership to external/internal stakeholders.
● The apprentice must lead the observed activity which will be agreed in advance by the EPAO, employer and apprentice
● The activity must be based on real-life improvement to the apprentice’s employer and the people who use the services
● The apprentice can prepare for the activity in advance of the assessment. Examples of observed activities could include:
– Preparing for a best interest meeting through consultation with the care staff team
– Leading a meeting to guide and support colleagues on how to implement the required care delivery within the service to support people that use the services
– A response to regulatory and legislative requirements that specifically impact upon how the needs of people that use the services
– Development of service provision so that it can improve service delivery to more effectively meet the needs and aspirations of the people that use the services
● The observation will typically last for 75 minutes, comprised of 60 minutes direct observation plus 15 minutes of post-observation questioning
● The apprentice will be asked a minimum of 3 questions following the observation
● Webinar or video conferencing software can be used if agreed in advance by the employer and EPAO
● The employer, apprentice and EPAO must comply with the requirements of the GDPR and all other safeguarding duties.
Professional Discussion Underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence
The professional discussion is an in-depth discussion between the apprentice and the end-point assessor based on the apprentice’s portfolio of evidence which must be submitted to the EPAO at gateway.
● The portfolio should contain evidence related and mapped to the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will be assessed by the professional discussion
● The portfolio will typically contain 6 pieces of holistic evidence and could contain witness testimonies, annotated work products, observation of working practices by the training provider/employer
● The portfolio It cannot contain reflective accounts or self-evaluation by the apprentice
● The end-point assessor will review the portfolio of evidence and use it to identify discussion areas – it is not directly assessed
● The professional discussion assessment time is 90 minutes
● The apprentice will be asked a minimum of 1 question from each of the following groups with follow up questions for clarity:
– Tasks and responsibilities
– Dignity and human rights
– Communication
– Safeguarding
– Health and wellbeing
– Professional development
● Webinar or video conferencing software can be used for the assessment.
Available Resources
- Training provider resource library
- EPA Specification (click to view)
- PAL Guide – Making the Apprenticeship Journey Successful (click to view)
How to engage with PAL.
Engaging with PAL couldn’t be easier. Simply contact us at or on 0800 1601899. Our senior team will contact you to find out about your requirements in more detail and discuss how we might need to adapt our approach to meet your needs. Once you are happy that PAL is the right fit for your programme, we set up your account, share our library of resources and support you to register your apprentices. You can then rest assured that you have a dedicated team on hand to guide you through your EPA journey and provide a responsive service when your apprentices are ready to be assessed.