EPA doesn’t have to be scary – it’s easy when you know how! Here are some of the things we’ve learnt as we’ve been delivering EPA:

  • We’ve learnt that employers and apprentices actually LIKE the new standards – they LIKE the fact that they are challenging, they LIKE the fact that hard work and dedication is rewarded, they even LIKE the fact that some apprentices will FAIL – making the system robust and reliable.
  • We’ve learnt that it is vital to really understand the standards and their assessment plans. You should know them back to front and upside down!
  • We’ve learnt that providers and employers need to work together with the apprentice to ensure that an individual approach is taken to ensure apprentices are ready for end-point assessment. You are a team and have the same goal and destination.
  • Don’t underestimate how emotional the experience of EPA is for all parties involved – not just the apprentice! Nerves are NOT always a bad thing!
  • We’ve learnt that apprentices need to build the confidence to be assessed, as well as learning the Skills, Knowledge and Behaviours in the standard.
  • We’ve learnt that communication is key – problems and issues should be dealt with in the moment, they won’t disappear! There is no hiding place in EPA!

If you’re worried about the process or what to expect, get in touch and we’ll be happy to share our experiences. info@professionalassessment.co.uk